“This videographer is being a total donkey.”

Interesting Article shaming (but not shaming) a Wedding Photographer for ruining a Videographer’s shots.

At this particular wedding, a Motivity Films videographer is set up to capture the vows with a ‘down the aisle’ view when the photographer (nice guns) enters the aisle and completely blocks the videographer’s shot. Rather than make a scene, the videographer expertly repositions and zooms. Unfortunately, the photographer finds her way into the shot again (resulting in a slew of expletives by the frustrated videographer).

So how can this be handled prior to the event?

Many times, wedding business contracts will include an ‘Uncle Bob’ provision, which allows the artist to move guests, objects, and OTHER VENDORS in order to get the best shot possible. By way of example, for the times when a clueless server passing out champagne camps out within line of sight of the Best Man’s toast, the videographer is within his/her rights under the provision to say “You’re Mamma wasn’t no glass maker. Please move.”

That is easy enough, but what happens when the videographer and photographer want to be in the same spot? Both have a contractual obligation to procure beautiful images. So, we can’t have two vendors trying to move one another out of the way WWE style.

First, the photographer’s contract should affirm that he/she will make reasonable efforts not to interfere with the performance of the videographer (or other vendors), and vice versa. In other words, everyone needs to play nice and allow equal opportunity to get the requisite shots (i.e., no WWE). 99.9% of the time, the vendors working in good faith together will get 99.9% of the shots.

Second, I recommend that the Bride and Groom indicate whether their preference is for videography or for photography in the event that a particular shot is not capable of being captured by both. This decision gets notated in the contract beforehand.