The Wedding Merchant Business Academy is right around the corner! If you haven’t been to the WMBA, you are missing out. Four days of wedding business education, networking, entertainment, and crazy stupid gambling. I have the honor of addressing the attendees FOUR times! I’ll be sure to drink plenty of water. I totally Marco Rubio’d last year. If you are attending, please stop by and say HI! Hopefully I will be at my booth most of the time, and not just losing money left and right over at the craps table. If you come by, grab some of our new swag. We have brochures, cards, and smiles.
Here’s my speaker info:
Monday, September 14th at 3:00PM (Juniper Room)
SKIN IN THE GAME: Venue Law and Liability for the 21st Century Event
Lawsuits arising from weddings that have gone bad are at an all-time high. Why? Because a wedding is an emotionally-charged, high-stress, once-in-a-lifetime event. Often, running a venue can put you in the hornet’s nest, so you need the legal ammunition to swat away trouble. In this open mic session, a wedding lawyer will address the most common concerns that you have. Come to this seminar to learn:
- Am I liable for mistakes made by preferred vendors?
- Am I liable if the client/vendor/guest is injured?
- Do I have to give back the deposit if the client cancels?
Monday, September 14th at 5:00PM (Caesar Room)
PHOTOGRAPHY LAW DEMYSTIFIED: 5 Questions with a Wedding Lawyer
We live in a visual world. Blogs, magazines, news articles, and the internet need your images to compete. How do you get paid what they are actually worth? When is it OK for someone to use your images? In this open mic session, a wedding lawyer will address the most common photography concerns that you have. Come to this seminar to learn:
- What if someone steals my images?
- What does my Copyright actually do for me?
- What happens if a vendor has hired a scene photographer at my event?
- What if I’m sick/car accident/hungover and don’t make it to the event?
- Do I need a release from ALL of the event attendees?
Wednesday, September 16th at 9:00AM (Saguaro Room)
THE PEOPLE’S COURT: 3 Ways To Avoid Litigation
Americans love to sue. The monster under the bed, spilled salt, and Friday the 13th are nothing compared to the real fear of losing your wedding business to a lawsuit. Come to this seminar to learn:
- Crucial terms to include in all your contracts
- What to call ‘deposits’ and how to keep them
- When to bring your lawyer into a situation
- Conduct that will save your skin when there’s a dispute
Wednesday, September 16th at 12:00PM (Cottonwood Room)
Understand your rights when it comes to online reviews!