Do you lose copyright protection when posting a photo to Instagram? A recent U.S. District Court decision (Sinclair v. Ziff…
Is having an arbitration clause a good idea for your contract? What is arbitration exactly? In this episode, we talk…
Can you make your client pay your attorney’s fees if you have to sue them in court? The short answer…
As a wedding business, what is your liability to clients, event attendees, and your employees with regard to Covid-19? What…
We are all in this together and you can do it! If you need help, there are resources for you.…
Is it possible to have your client waive liability if that client contracts Covid-19 from you? In other words, can…
Do you know what the term “Liquidated Damages” means? Listen to the episode and find out how that confusing term…
When a client cancels a wedding that leaves you with the big doughnut hole, what is your option? Under the…
BONUS EPISODE THIS WEEK! Are you tired of hearing “it depends” when a lawyer is answering your question? Ever wonder…
What happens when Mom pays and signs the contract, or when the couple AND Mom sign the contract…..and then there…